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розгляду претензій: Сполучені Штати та Німеччина, 10 серпня 1922 р., Національний архів США та Управління документів, Коледж-Парк, Мерілевд.


Морський архів, Морський музей у Мерсісайді.

Швіґер, військовий журнал

Вальтер Швігер, військовий журнал. Колекція Бейлі/Райан, архів Гуверівського інституту, Стенфордський університет, Стенфорд, Каліфорнія.

Національний архів США, Нью-Йорк

Національний архів США та Управління документів, Нью-Йорк.

Національний архів США, Коледж-Парк

Національний архів США та Управління документів, Коледж-Парк, Меріленд.

Список використаної літератури
Архівні колекції

Baker, James. Papers. Imperial War Museum, London.

BBC Written Archives Centre. Caversham, Reading, England.

Bailey, Thomas Andrew, and Paul B. Ryan Collection. Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University. Stanford, CA.

Bruford, Walter Horace. Papers. Churchill Archives, Churchill College, Cambridge, England.

Bryan, William Jennings. Papers. Library of Congress Manuscript Division. Washington, D.C.

Churchill, Winston. Papers. Churchill Archives, Churchill College, Cambridge, England.

Clarke, William F. Papers. Churchill Archives, Churchill College, Cambridge, England.

Cunard Archives (“Records of the Cunard Steamship Co.”), Sydney Jones Library, University of Liverpool, England. Courtesy of the University of Liverpool Library.

Denniston, Alexander Guthrie. Papers. Churchill Archives, Churchill College, Cambridge, England.

Fisher, Jacky. Papers. Churchill Archives, Churchill College, Cambridge, England.

Hall, William Reginald. Papers. Churchill Archives, Churchill College, Cambridge, England.

Harris, Dwight. Papers. New-York Historical Society. New York, N.Y. (File: BV Lusitania, MS 1757.) Courtesy of the New-York Historical Society.

Hoehling, Adolf, and Mary Hoehling. Papers. RMS Lusitania Collection.

Mariners’ Museum and Library. Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA.

Hook, Hereward. Papers. Imperial War Museum, London.

Jellicoe, John. Papers. Churchill Archives, Churchill College, Cambridge, England.

Kell, Vernon. Papers. Imperial War Museum, London.

Lansing, Robert. Papers. Library of Congress Manuscript Division. Washington, DC (Desk Diaries and Private Memoranda).

Lorimer, D. Papers. Imperial War Museum, London.

Maritime Archives. Merseyside Maritime Museum. Liverpool, England.

McAdoo, William Gibbs. Papers. Library of Congress Manuscript Division. Washington, DC.

National Archives of the United Kingdom, Kew, England. Material cited in accord with Britain’s Open Government License.

Prichard, Mrs. G. S. Papers. Imperial War Museum, London.

Riddle, Theodate Pope. Papers. Hill-Stead Museum, Farmington, CT.

U. S. Department of State. Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States. 1915 p. Supplement, The World War. University of Wisconsin Digital Collections.

U. S. National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD.

U. S. National Archives and Records Administration at New York City. New York, NY.

Wilson, Woodrow. Papers. Library of Congress Manuscript Division. Washington, DC.

Книги та статті

Albertini, Luigi. The Origins of the War of 1914. Translated by Isabella M.

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Ballard, Robert, with Spencer Dunmore. Exploring the Lusitania: Probing the Mysteries of the Sinking That Changed History. Toronto: Wamer/Madison Press, 1995.

Beesly, Patrick. Interview. “Sinking of the Lusitania.” Imperial War Museum, London.

———. Room 40: British Naval Intelligence, 1914—18. London, Hamish Hamilton, 1982.

Beig, A. Scott. Wilson. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 2013.

Bemstorff, Count Johann-Heinrich von. My Three Years in America. New York: Scribner’s Sons, 1920.

Bimbaum, Karl E. Peace Moves and U-Boat Warfare. Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell, 1958.

Bisset, James. Commodore: War, Peace and Big Ships. London: Angus and Robertson, 1961.

Bixler, Julius Seelye. “William James and Immortality.” Journal of Religion 5, no. 4 (July 1925): 378-96.

Black, Jeremy. The Great War and the Making of the Modem World. New York: Continuum, 2011.

Boghardt, Thomas. The Zimmermann Telegram: Intelligence, Diplomacy, and America’s Entry into World War I. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2012.

Bolze, Thomas A. “From Private Passion to Public Virtue: Thomas B. Lock-wood and the Making of a Cultural Philanthropist, 1895—1935.” Libraries and the Cultural Record AS, no. 4 (2010): 414—41.

Breemer, Jan S. Defeating the U-Boat: Inventing Antisubmarine Warfare. Newport, RI: Naval War College Press, 2010.

Brooks, Sydney. “The United States and the War: A British View.” North American Review 201, no. 711 (Feb. 1915): 231—40.

Broomfield, Andrea. “The Night the Good Ship Went Down.” Gastronomica 9, no. 4 (Fall 2009): 32—42.

Bullard, Melissa Meriam, S. R. Epstein, Benjamin G. Kohl, and Susan Mosher Stuard. “Where History and Theory Interact: Frederic C. Lane on the Emergence of Capitalism.”

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