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Там само, с. 78.

21. David Ferrucci, Eric Brown, Jennifer Chu-Carroll, James Fan, David Gondek, Aditya A. Kalyanpur, Adam Lally, J. William Murdock, Eric Nyberg, John Prager, Nico Schlaefer, and Chris Welty, “Building Watson: An Overview of the DeepQA Project,” AI Magazine, Fall 2010,

22. Прес-реліз IBM: “IBM Research Unveils Two New Watson Related Projects from Cleveland Clinic Collaboration,” October 15, 2013,

23. IBM: аналіз прикладу з практики, Case Study: “IBM Watson/Fluid, Inc.,” November 4, 2013,

24. “IBM Watson/MD Buyline, Inc.,” IBM Case Study, November 4, 2013,

25. Прес-реліз IBM: “Citi and IBM Enter Exploratory Agreement on Use of Watson Technologies,” March 5, 2012,

26. Прес-реліз IBM: “IBM Watson’s Next Venture: Fueling New Era of Cognitive Apps Built in the Cloud by Developers,” November 14, 2013,

27. Quentin Hardy, “IBM to Announce More Powerful Watson via the Internet,” New York Times, November 13, 2013,

28. Nick Heath, “‘Let’s Try and Not Have a Human Do It’: How One Facebook Techie Can Run 20,000 Servers,” ZDNet, November 25, 2013,

29. Michael S. Rosenwald, “Cloud Centers Bring High-Tech Flash But Not Many Jobs to Beaten-Down Towns,” Washington Post, November 24, 2011,

30. Quentin Hardy, “Active in Cloud, Amazon Reshapes Computing,” New York Times, August 27, 2012,

31. Mark Stevenson, An Optimist’s Tour of the Future: One Curious Man Sets Out to Answer “What’s Next?” (New York: Penguin Group, 2011), p. 101.

32. Michael Schmidt and Hod Lipson, “Distilling Free-Form Natural Laws from Experimental Data,” Science 324 (April 3, 2009),

33. Stevenson, An Optimist’s Tour of the Future, p. 104.

34. Прес-реліз Національної наукової фундації, National Science Foundation Press Release: “Maybe Robots Dream of Electric Sheep, But Can They Do Science?,” April 2, 2009,

35. Asaf Shtull-Trauring, “An Israeli Professor’s ‘Eureqa’ Moment,” Haaretz, February 3, 2012,

36. John R. Koza, “Human-Competitive Results Produced by Genetic Programming,” Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 11, nos. 3–4 (September 2010),

37. Веб-сайт Джона Кози,, а також:–001–000292572–0.

38. Lev Grossman, “2045: The Year Man Becomes Immortal,” Time, February 10, 2011,,9171,2048299,00.html.

39. Цитату взято з матеріалу Sylvia Smith, “Iamus: Is This the 21st Century’s Answer to Mozart?,” BBC News, January 2, 2013,

40. Цитату наведено з роботи Kadim Shubber, “Artificial Artists: When Computers Become Creative,” Wired Magazine–UK, August 13, 2007,–08/07/can-computers-be-creative/viewgallery/306906.

41. Shubber, “Artificial Artists: When Computers Become Creative.”

42. “Bloomberg Bolsters Machine-Readable News Offering,” The Trade, February 19, 2010,

43. Neil Johnson, Guannan Zhao, Eric Hunsader, Hong Qi, Nicholas Johnson, Jing Meng, and Brian Tivnan, Abrupt Rise of New Machine Ecology Beyond Human Response Time,” Nature, September 11, 2013,

44. Christopher Steiner, Automate This: How Algorithms Came to Rule Our World (New York: Portfolio/Penguin, 2012), pp. 116–120.

45. Max Raskin and Ilan Kolet, “Wall Street Jobs Plunge as Profits Soar: Chart of the Day,” Bloomberg News, April 23, 2013,–04–24/wall-street-jobs-plunge-as-profits-soar-chart-of-the-day.html.

46. Steve Lohr, “David Ferrucci: Life After Watson,” New York Times (Bits blog), May 6, 2013,

47. Цитату наведено зі статті Alan S. Blinder, “Offshoring: The Next Industrial Revolution?,” Foreign Affairs, March/April 2006, 48. Alan S. Blinder, “Free Trade’s Great, but Offshoring Rattles Me,” Washington Post, May 6, 2007,

49. Blinder, “Offshoring: The Next Industrial Revolution?”

50. Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael A. Osborne, “The Future of Employment: How Susceptible Are Jobs to Computerisation?,” Oxford Martin School, Programme on the Impacts of Future Technology, September 17, 2013, p. 38,

51. Alan S. Blinder, “On the Measurability of Offshorability,” VOX, October 9, 2009,

52. Keith Bradsher, “Chinese Graduates Say No Thanks to Factory Jobs,” NewYork Times, January 24, 2013,; Keith Bradsher, “Faltering Economy in China Dims Job Prospects for Graduates,” New York Times, June 16, 2013,

53. Eric Mack, “Google Has a ‘Near Perfect’ Universal Translator-for Portuguese, at Least,” CNET News, July 28, 2013,–17938_105–57595825–1/google-has-a-near-perfect-universal-translator-for-portuguese-at-least/.

54. Tyler Cowen, Average Is Over: Powering America Beyond the Age of the Great Stagnation (New York: Dutton, 2013), p. 79.

55. John Markoff, “Armies of Expensive Lawyers, Replaced by Cheaper Software,” New York Times, March 4, 2011,

56. Arin Greenwood, “Attorney at Blah,” Washington City Paper, November 8, 2007,

57. Erin Geiger Smith, “Shocking? Temp Attorneys Must Review 80 Documents Per Hour,” Business Insider, October 21, 2009,–10.

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