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— Did you come alone? Leave Dimka, let him go away, otherwise you will never see me, nor our son.
— No, I am not the only one here.
— I listen here your performance, Shakespeare is taking silence now. Do it, Otello, capture the punisher, let him reconstruct the city, and take your wife and tamp her on the street. She has to know how it is to make love with the punishers. As for cutting balls, it was lovely, I am ready to observe the process by myself.
— Decide equally, who which is to cut.
— Usually we start by a tongue... He beats Veles with machine gun and pushes him out.
Scene 13
Theseus is near the computer
Theseus (speaks by phone with Laurel)
— You can sleep at a refuse heap, on a crushed stone. Two kilometers from you to the west. Then — strictly west side. And do not step on the road. There are armored vehicles on the road, and relocation. Switch off, you can return on line in the morning, you will get SMS with further information. Yes, I will tell Nastya.
He tapes the handset from the ear and makes another call.
— Yes, the table has been booked. Mojito, lobster, and we will remember Goa and say goodbye to the summer. I kiss you, I am busy at the moment, wait for a carriage.
— Nastya, is it you? Yes, I just called him, I was talking to him, I asked him to switch off the phone, he sends you his regards. Everything is ok. There are 2 of them, may be. They were 5? I don’t know, he did not tell me. He has cheerful voice. Oh yes, he also said: “We have weapons should something be wrong, we will take the battle”. Nastya, you know, you have very good poems, may be, you will send me something via messenger? For a connoisseur…
He puts the handset, opens the page in internet and starts to read slowly
— He carried his sub machine gun without a belt,
Clutching it to his chest,
As if it were a first-born.
He breathed in its smell
Of molten metal and a week-long battle.
He went with no way,
Just not to captivity or to heaven.
He ate dry sunflowers' seeds, stuffed his mouth,
He could not swallow them
As he drank only once from a puddle.
And so three days
To go hiding,
Spend nights on waste hill tops,
Make his way
Between the lines of a poem,
Looking for rhymes,
And they are not there.
And he rescued his weapon
And gave it to a newcomer,
The one whose eyes are still bright
For he had not yet seen
How the fire engine burnt
In which his brothers-in-arms from the reconnaissance
battalion of "Donbas"
Were leaving Ilovaysk along the green — red — black corridor.
Details later,
When the last one comes out,
And he is still going...
All the awards had been handed out,
And he is still going.
Those who came out had a good sleep in their homes,
And he is still going.
The wounded who waited for too long have their arms and legs
Cut off,
And he is still going.
Victory proclaimed, and truce ignored,
And he is still going.
They're burying dead in the alleys of heroes,
And he is still going.
The battalion commander has new grandiose plans
With no account for the one who's still going,
And he is still going.
And again, I wait until morning.
Deals the phone.
— Nastya, thank you, it empowers very much, I mean what you write. Excuse me, could you tell me more about Laurel? I think, he is just a common, simple guy. For how long do you know each other? Yes, I will wait for a phone call.
Scene 14
Strilka and Laurel are on the heap. They lie there and watch the stars at the sky.
— Tell me about your Nastya. Ae you long with her?
— I don’t want.
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